Mark Freeth

creating a New generation of movers

more movement, less dogma

movement coaching without the nonsense

Movement classes, coaching and teacher trainings, Free from the constraints of orthodoxy, systems and labels. I teach you to move the way you were born to: freely and not tied down by tradition.

personalised coaching, designed for you

Your practice is personal and your training should be too. All my coaching sessions are one-to-one or in a small group and designed to help you develop your own personalised movement.

meet your movement mentor

With over 48 years of learning, practicing and 22 of full-time teaching, I have a vast amount of experience with both traditional and modern movement modalities. Having run a wildly successful yoga studio for 9 years before transitioning to creating one of the first Movement Teacher Trainings in the UK, I'm now focused on working with you on an individual level to help you move better and achieve mastery.

No Nonesense Coaching

How do I start?

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Do I need to be fit already?

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It all starts with a conversation. Just drop your email in the box below to get started, and let's discuss the next steps on your movement journey.

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